#udemy free courses #Business #Entrepreneurship

Kickstarter Mastery 2022

If you’ve ever wanted to create something new with a community of enthusiastic people cheering you on, you’ve come to the right place. This course is based on everything we’ve learned from reviewing over 200,000 projects — each of them created by someone like you. We hope it’ll help you get started with shaping your own project, whether it’s to make a movie, an album, a game, a gadget, a play, a restaurant, or pretty much anything else that springs from the imagination. ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #IT Certifications

Javascript For Beginners Complete Course

Learn Javascript Programming Language The course is created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which you’ll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including JavaScript fundamentals, programming, and user interaction. The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish to become a professional Javascript developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Javascript basics and programming fundamentals, and then execute into real-life practice and be ready for the real world. ...

#udemy free courses #Development #Web Development

JavaScript - Basics to Advanced [step by step (2021)]

*UPDATE: New Content Added Around 60+ video content added + Bonus Sections: jQuery and ES6 for ReactJS In this JavaScript course - At the beginning of this JavaScript course, you will learn and understand : 1) All the basic concepts of JavaScript. 2) And the advanced topics like object-oriented programming where you will learn the OOPs concepts like data binding, inheritance, data encapsulation, etc. 3) The most used part in JavaScript - Functional Programming where we will cover the special functions like map, filter, reduce, and many more. ...

#udemy free courses #Development #Data Science

Introduction to Spacy 3 for Natural Language Processing

Hi There, Please take this course only if you have an introductory knowledge of Machine Learning and Python. This course is all about SpaCy. Spacy is fast and easy to use than NLTK. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of today's modern NLP. SpaCy is an open-source software library for advanced natural language processing, written in the programming languages Python and Cython. The library is published under the MIT license and its main developers are Matthew Honnibal and Ines Montani, the founders of the software company Explosion. ...

#udemy free courses #Development #Web Development

HTML5 - From Basics to Advanced level (2021)

****UPDATE [01-Jan-2021]: New Content Added - HTML5 !!!!!**** 20 NEW videos added New Sections on: Forms Embedding Multimedia Vector Graphics And, a Final Project! ************************************************************ Are you a beginner? Do you want to learn web development but do not have any idea where to start?If yes, then this is THE perfect course for you. In the HTML course, you will learn all the concepts of HTML5, starting from its history to its modern structure. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Business Strategy

Facebook Outreach Mastery 2022

The biggest problem with Facebook in recent years is that their organic reach—the people you can reach without spending money—has declined to nearly zero. Most people are fans of dozens, if not hundreds of pages on Facebook. If all those pages shared several articles per day, most of the posts would just get lost, anyway. There’s just too much content being posted. So, Facebook has implemented some changes that make it so that only a small fraction of a page’s users ever see each post. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Social Media Marketing

Facebook Group Marketing Mastery 2022

One of the easiest ways to boost engagement, build a following and become a thought leader or influencer in your market is by creating a Facebook group. A Facebook group serves as a communication channel between you and an ever-growing community of potential customers and joint venture partners. With a Facebook group, you’re able to take advantage of the heavy traffic that Facebook provides, and you’ll be able to connect with your audience who finds you just by entering in keywords relating to your niche. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Business Strategy

ESG Reporting for Businesses

The course will extend from the fundamental of Corporate ESG and elaborate on 6 aspects related to ESG in greater depth, including Global Landscape; Standards & Frameworks; The reasons and benefits of ESG reporting ; Contents and Elements of good ESG Reports; The current challenges in ESG reporting; Trends going forward. After completing the first section, you should be able to understand the differences and similarities between different frameworks and standards, the compatibility of frameworks, selecting the ones that are most suitable for your business based on geographical location, corporate vision and strategy, your product, the main audience of your ESG report and the aspect of ESG that is most important to your business, and finally understand how to apply the frameworks as a starting point of writing ESG report for corporations. ...

#udemy free courses #Teaching & Academics #Language Learning

English grammar tenses made easy

This course will indeed be beneficial for those students who want to learn the simple, continuous and perfect forms of present, past and future tenses. The course will cover a plethora of examples in order to demonstrate the structure of the different tenses in English grammar. This course will be especially useful for students who are new to English language and are passionate about learning grammatical rules insofar as tenses are concerned. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Stress Management

Effective Time Management Skills For A Productivity Boost

This course approaches time management from 3 unique angles: Time management in a single day Time management in a week Time management in your life to make sure that the tasks you work on are the right ones for your overall life direction, because if you are working on the wrong tasks, then all that time is mismanaged and wasted Try this course and its unique approach which ends at you looking at the bigger picture of your life. ...