#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Personal Transformation

Mind Power - Change Your Thought Process To Change Your Life

**Course Updated - June 2022** >> COURSE REGULARLY UPDATED: NEW TIPS, MORE LESSONS << >> CERTIFIED COACH, SPEAKER AND TRAINER << >> OVER 180,000 STUDENTS IN TOTAL << To have a breakthrough in YOUR happiness and emotional well-being... All you have to Do is CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM/THOUGHT PROCESS Have you ever thought about what causes someone to persist when another would give up? What causes a person to focus and utilize all their resources towards a goal? ...

#udemy free courses #Office Productivity #Microsoft

Microsoft Excel Pivot-Tabellen für Job und Beruf

Hast Du schon einmal mit großen Tabellen in Microsoft Excel gearbeitet und das Gefühl gehabt, zu ersticken? Hast Du mit dem Autofilter zu kämpfen und können einfach nicht die richtigen Daten finden? Dann sind Pivot-Tabellen genau die richtige Lösung für Dich! Mit ein paar Klicks verwandelst du deine Daten in praktische Dashboards, die Du blitzschnell ändern kannst. Pivot-Tabellen indizieren alle Deine Daten und bereiten sie für Dich auf. Das Ergebnis ist eine Tabelle, aus der Du Summen, Durchschnittswerte oder beliebige Zwischenergebnisse generieren kannst - alles, was Du willst! ...

#udemy free courses #Health & Fitness #Meditation

Meditation Masterclass: meditation teacher certification

In this course, you'll learn meditations from all around the world! From mindfulness to zen to breath-work, chakras, Tibetan bowls, and everything in between, you'll even be certified to teach meditation by the end of the course! From new meditators to zen masters alike, no matter what your level of experience, you can gain a lot from exploring this course. By the end, you'll have experience with over a dozen different styles of meditation! ...

#udemy free courses #Health & Fitness #Meditation

Meditation For Beginners

Meditation is one of the most powerful things that you can do, as a human being. It trains you to be in control of you mind and your emotions, in ways that you never knew were possible. It allows you to be happy just to be alive, even in the most difficult of circumstances; even when you're injured, or suffering a loss, stressed out at work, overwhelmed, depressed or anxious. It allows you to find the basic happiness of being alive, and that pervades everything else, so that you can deal with everything else much better. ...

#udemy free courses #Health & Fitness #General Health

Medical Device Regulations

The medical device industry is growing rapidly, providing great opportunities for innovators, experts and entrepreneurs. This course will provide a detailed overview of the way in which new devices go from concept to product, providing you with a starting point to develop a deep understanding of this complex and fast-moving business space. We will cover all of the key components of bringing a new device to market, including: Paths to Market, including the 510K, PMA, HDE and other commonly used pathways ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #Other IT & Software

Master Transaction Management with SpringBoot and Data JPA

In this course, you will learn about Transaction Management in general. Why Transaction Management is important in any application. We will start by setting up Java, Intellij, maven, postman and springboot from spring initializer. We will first create entities with some fields then we will create the controller, repository layer along with the service. Then we will go ahead and implement Transaction in our application. You will learn to implement Transaction Management in your project ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Business Strategy

Marketing Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Neuromarketing

Lean marketing psychology, get in the head of your customers, stop guessing, and create marketing materials that inspire desire to buy from you. In this course, you'll learn: Marketing psychology in negotiation. Marketing psychology in converting a potential customer into a completed sale. Common logical fallacies people fall into during the marketing and buying process. Emotional Intelligence involved in marketing and negotiation. Pricing psychology. IF YOU PROMOTE AND SELL, DO IT WITH DEEP CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Marketing Analytics & Automation

Marketing Analytics: Customer Value and Promotion Strategy

You're looking for a complete course that will teach you how to calculate customer value to drive business decisions involving product pricing, acquisition cost, marketing cost, and many other parts of the business., right? You've found the right course Customer Valuation for Entrepreneurs and Marketers! This course teaches you everything you need to know about different methods to find customer lifetime value and how to find it in Excel using advanced excel tool. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Personal Productivity

Learn To Focus: Meditation & Mindfulness For ADHD

ADD and ADHD can make it hard to focus & get things done. You have lots of mental energy (that's why you're so smart!) but you have a hard time directing it to one thing at a time. Many people go through their entire lives in this scatter-brained state, jumping from thing to thing, never fully concentrating on, or actually enjoying, anything. This can lead to major school & career problems (not paying attention in class, not paying attention at work, not caring about what you're working on, bouncing from job to job, career to career, etc), and problems becoming a successful adult. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Other Personal Development

Learn to drive a car: real world driving & exam preparation

Driving can be a daunting task if you lack the experience or the knowledge. Learners commonly feel unconfident when they step into the car next to their examiner for their final exam and make unnecessary mistakes because of it. This often results in insecurity, which drags on into their future driving time.Our lessons are packed with tips, tricks and how-to's to help you enjoy driving. Whether you simply want to improve your driving skills, become a more confident driver or want to pass that driving exam, this is your course. ...