#udemy free courses #IT & Software #Other IT & Software

¡Curso Profesional Excel 2021– Para Empresas!

El curso te proporciona los cimientos que todo Profesional Excel debe poseer. Obtendrás un vasto conocimiento lleno de recursos y estarás capacitado para hacer frente a cualquier tarea en Excel de una manera eficaz y productiva. Al terminar el curso, habrás dominado Excel y nada te será desconocido para empezar a trabajar como todo un Profesional. El curso Incluye: ⭐ Más de 8 Horas de Contenido Exclusivo ⭐ Tareas Prácticas Al Final de Cada Capitulo (Desafíos) ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #Other IT & Software

مهارات معالجة الكلمات باستخدام مايكروسوفت وورد 2016

يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى إكساب المشاركين المهارات الأساسية في استخدام برنامج معالجة الكلمات "مايكروسوفت وورد"، في إنشاء المستندات وتنسيق النصوص وإخراج المستندات بشكل جذاب ومنظم، من خلال التعرف على عمليات التحرير في المستند (تحديد، نسخ، قص، لصق) وكذلك عمليات التنسيق في المستند (تنسيق الخط، تنسيق الفقرة، تنسيق التعداد) والالوان والحدود للخطوط والنصوص المستخدمة في المستند، كذلك تصميم الجداول وتنسيقها، وإدراج الرسوم والصور والأشكال الذكية والهياكل التنظيمية إلى غير ذلك من أدوات الرسم والأشكال الأخرى، فضلاً عن مراجعة المستند والترجمة ومعرفة عدد الكلمات والفقرات في المستند وأدوات المراجعة الأخرى، وبنهاية التدريب سيتمكن المشاركون من: ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Career Development

The Best Course For Learning about Collaboration/ Teamwork

Our course would be recommended as one of the best to learn about teamwork. Our course help students to learn the best ways of how to incorporate teamwork in themselves and in their regular behavior towards others. The good qualities nurtured by our tutors to students have allowed them to become proud leaders with the best qualities of leadership such as discipline and enthusiasm. ·If you were to ask a student from our course as to what is teamwork he/she would reply with an answer saying that the concept of teamwork can be defined as a group's collective effort to accomplish a shared purpose or complete a task most successfully and productively. ...

#udemy free courses #Health & Fitness #Mental Health

Setting Yourself Up For Sustainable Sobriety

A lot of people can decide to quit drinking but maintaining sobriety is another story. If you've struggled with the recovery roller coaster of quitting, relapsing, cutting back, and relapsing more times than you remember then you're not alone. It's incredibly difficult to stay sober when we don't have the tools or our mindset is in the dumps after our battle with addiction. This course is here to guide you on your path to recovery so you can build a solid foundation to keep you on your feet. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Entrepreneurship

Quit 9-5 Guide to Starting an Online Business

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Newbies Guide to Starting an Online Business Did you know the hottest and fastest growing market place is online ecommerce. Why not take part and earn a profit of this billion dollar business? Not sure how to get started or where to start then this course is created just for you. Have you ever wanted to work for yourself and be your own boss? Stop working 9-5 and start working creating your own business? ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Communication

Public Speaking Emergency! Ace the Speech With Little Prep

Public Speaking. Imagine standing up to give a presentation to an important audience knowing that you will look comfortable, confident and relaxed. And you know that your audience will understand you and remember all of your key points. And you did all this even though you procrastinated until the very last hour before you gave the speech. You can give a great speech that looked like you worked on it for weeks, even though you waited until an hour before you spoke to begin preparing. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Public Relations

Public Relations: Become a Media Star by Pitching with Video

Public Relations. Imagine yourself appearing on major TV news network programs, regularly. You can become the media's go-to person for your industry. Getting on major local, national and international TV news programs no longer has to be a dream for you and your organization. It can happen now. You will learn half a dozen very specific techniques on how to get more mainstream media Public Relations coverage through the strategic use of simple, talking-head YouTube videos. ...

#udemy free courses #Health & Fitness #Nutrition & Diet

Lemak dan Kesehatan

Lipida atau lemak sering kali mendapatkan konotasi yang buruk di masyarakat, membuat gemuk, menyebabkan penyakit dan sebagainya. Padahal lemak adalah zat gizi essensial yang penting bagi tubuh. Lemak terdapat pada banyak bahan makanan, meskipun terdapat variasi jumlah, jenis dan kualitasnya. Untuk mendapatkan kesehatan yang optimal kita perlu mengenal kebutuhan lemak, jenis lemak yang baik serta jumlah yang sesuai. Beberapa lemak diketahui memiliki manfaat kesehatan dan dapat melindungi dari penyakit tidak menular seperti penyakit jantung dan stroke. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Other Business

Fundraising: Ask and Raise Contributions for Your Charity

Fundraising. Imagine rising thousands or even millions of dollars for the non-profit or campaign of your choice. You can raise unlimited amounts of money, once you learn the right way of asking people. You can become the greatest Fundraising financial asset your organization has ever had. This course will teach you a step-by-step process to use when asking people to donate to your favorite charity, political campaign, university or college. You can raise money for causes you believe in, if you follow basic principles. ...