#udemy free courses #Development #Web Development

Bootstrap 5 with 3 projects in Hindi

in this course, you are going to learn about Bootstrap 5 that to in Hindi and Urdu. We are going to Build many types of awesome websites which are responsive and easy to build and I will try to keep this course updated so that you don't have to face any type of problem. Topics we will cover in this course are 1introduction of the course: Here you will learn things like how to install bootstrap and the use of Emmet to write HTML code faster ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #IT Certifications

(PMI-RMP) Risk Management Professional Cert Questions Test

Are you ready to prepare for the PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) Certification Exam ? The PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) highlights your ability to identify and assess project risks, mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities. In this capacity, you enhance and protect the needs of your organization. The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers a professional credential for project risk managers, known as the PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP). PMI’s professional credentialing examination development processes stand apart from other project management certification examination development practices. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Video & Mobile Marketing


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#udemy free courses #Marketing #Social Media Marketing

TikTok Marketing Mastery 2022

If you’ve not tried using TikTok Marketing to promote your business online, then today is the time to start! Never before has there been an advertising platform of this magnitude that will allow you to reach an audience of billions and rapidly grow your business online at next to zero cost! Become The Ultimate TikTok Marketing Master and join this course today to learn the same PROVEN success strategy Henry Zhang, Digital Marketing expert and world-leading trader used to build this course. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Career Development

The Complete Resume and CV Writing Course: Get the Ideal Job

Kathryn Troutman, Resume Expert - Instructor - The Complete Resume and CV Writing Course: Get the ideal Job TJ Walker, Presentation Coach; Interview Preparation Instructor Learn the Art and Science of Resume and CV Writing - Job Search Skills, LinkedIn and Interview Skills Part 1 - CV and Resume Writing - Kathryn gives real examples of career changers - Before & AFter, Keywords and how to match Part 2 - COVID-19 JObs - Kathryn interprets the jobs; analyzes the qualifications; give insight about the position ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Creativity

The Complete Creativity Course: Unleash Your Innovation Now!

The Complete Creativity Course: Unleash Your Innovation Now! Turn Your Creative Energies On Daily. You Are the Source of Innovation, Creative Writing and New Ideas Creativity is innate to all human beings. You can quickly build, refine, improve and strengthen your creativity and innovation muscles. Creativity is not something allocated to only a few of life's lottery winners. Instead, it is a habit that can be built by anyone--if they know the process and are willing to do a little work each day. ...

#udemy free courses #Teaching & Academics #Engineering

STAAD Pro V8 Industrial Steel Warehouse Design from A to Z

This course teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a steel warehouse building. This course, as the title says, doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. ...

#udemy free courses #Design #Architectural Design

SketchUp and V-Ray Masterclass

Hello, this is your instructor Shivam. If you are here, you probably know what SketchUp and V-Ray is. SketchUp is widely used application in myriad vocations, be it Architecture or product designing. In this course, we are gonna learn SketchUp from scratch to advance level. The course follows advance methods of teaching and additionally there is example to learn steps in modeling an actual building as well as adding V-ray material, lights, scene management and much more in depth. ...

#udemy free courses #Teaching & Academics #Engineering

Prokon Civil Engineering Structural Design R.C.C Element

This course teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a r.c.c structural elements This course, as the title says, doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Entrepreneurship

Product Launch Mastery 2022

If done correctly, even “first-time” product developers who have never launched a product before can easily build a targeted customer base that they can tap into time and time again, all from that one strategically organized product launch. There’s no question; a carefully planned and executed product launch can catapult you into the six-figure earning bracket, and set you up for ongoing success. This special report will show you exactly how to build the foundation for a successful product launch quickly and easily. ...