#udemy free courses #Business #Project Management

Contracts Management in Construction Projects

Every construction project is bound by a Contract. Proper Contract Management plays a major role in the effective management of your construction projects. Adhering to all the Contractual obligations, the terms and conditions can save both cost and time. There are a few standard Contract Forms that is followed in a Construction project mainly FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers), NRM (New Rules of Measurement), JCT (The Joint Contracts Tribunal). The procedures to commence work, the documents required at each stage of the project, variation procedures, payment terms, basis for termination and suspension of works by either parties, completion of work, roles and responsibilities of all the stake holders and their staffs, dispute resolution methods, Arbitration procedures etc are all mentioned in the contract. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Motivation

Complete Willpower Course - Build Self Control & Good Habits

Complete Willpower Course - Build Self Control & Good Habits Build the Strong Willpower Habit - Improve Self Control - Self Discipline - Weight Loss - Build Strong New Habits You can gain power over your own life. You can build the willpower muscle that allows you to live life on your own terms. Imagine if you had the willpower you need to maintain the healthy diet you deserve, to exercise properly, and stay focused on your professional and personal life. ...

#udemy free courses #Design #User Experience Design

Complete Figma Megacourse: UI/UX Design Beginner to Expert

This course is constantly being revised and updated with new lessons. Have you ever wanted to design your own app, website or blog? These days, we use them without a second thought. They have become an integral part of both the human experience and the financial market. It’s easy to come up with a new idea for a viral new app, but not as easy to make that app a reality - or so you might think. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Entrepreneurship

Airbnb: How to be a Successful Host

I started hosting in 2015. My Airbnb units have been through typhoons, earthquakes, a major pandemic and even a flood for good measure that wiped out one of the local train lines for 6 months. In spite of this, we have consistently made a healthy profit. How many businesses could you say this about and keep a straight face? Airbnb is a great side hustle or retirement income. It can also be your fulltime career should you wish to pursue it. ...

#udemy free courses #Design #Graphic Design & Illustration

Adobe Photoshop CC Fundamentals and Essentials Training

Hi There, I am Stephen Koel Soren and I am a Graphics and Web Expert. If you are a beginner and looking to learn photoshop from scratch then this course will help you to learn Adobe Photoshop Professionally. For learning graphics design and photoshop retouching from beginner to advanced this course can be a lighthouse for you. You can learn from this course about Photoshop Layer, Color and Adjustment, Photoshop Color Correction, Shape and Symbol, Content-Aware & Cropping, Photoshop Text Style, Gradient Stroke & Bevel, Shadow, Blending, Selection, Photoshop Masking, Blur & Filters, Transform, Warp & Distort, Clipping Mask, Retouch, Photoshop Retouching, Effect Of Visual Style, Brush, Export, Earning Money With Graphics Design Work, Advance Tool and many more. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Personal Productivity

Acing Time Management & Productivity: Your ultimate Program

WHY THIS COURSE on Productivity and Time Management? Are you here because you feel you are always behind with your work and that makes you feel stressed? Well congratulations for wanting to do something about it, as opposed to waiting for things to change. This course will allow you to not only get back on top of your To-do list, but also will ensure you never get overwhelmed by your workload, which is really the main goal: You managing your to-do list and not Your list managing you. ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #Network & Security

Xamarin básico: Una introducción al SDK de Microsoft

Con este curso se pretende que tu adquieras las bases necesarias para iniciarte en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles, haciendo uso de Xamarin forms y C# como lenguaje de programación. -Durante el curso contaras con asesoría personalizada constante por parte del instructor. -Aprenderás las bases de Xamarin forms. -Aprenderás las bases de C#. -Aprenderás los principales organizadores de componentes. -Realizaremos un lector de códigos QR. -Aprenderás sobre procesos asíncronos. -Aprenderás el diseño de interfaces con xaml. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Affiliate Marketing

leadlovers: configurações, email, páginas, ead e integrações

Trabalhei no leadlovers 4 anos... e acredito que consigo te ajudar nessa parte de configurações técnicas que envolvem o marketing digital. Além disso, ajudei na criação do leadlovers, trabalhando diretamente no construtor de páginas da plataforma (já deve ter visto algum vídeo meu, ou respondendo algum post nos grupos do Facebook). Este curso tem como objetivo ajudar-te nas confirgurações técnicas da máquina de email e como aproveitar os melhores recursos que a leadlovers possui para automatizar o seu processo de criação de página e gestão de leads. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Entrepreneurship

اختبر نفسك في العمل الحر عبر الانترنت

في هذه الدورة سوف يتعرف الطالب على أساسيات العمل الحر عبر الانترنت وما هي المهارات التي يجب ان يمتلكها وان لم يمتلك مهارة كيف يبحث عن المهارة المناسبة ويتقنها ويبدأ ربح المال عبر الانترنت ان العمل الحر من اهم الاشياء في عصرنا الحديث لما يوفره للأفراد من الحصول على وظائف بشكل مستمر والقضاء على البطالة بشكل كبير ولكن لكل شئ مبادئ يجب اتباعها لكي ننجح في العمل الحر هذا الكورس يأخذ بيديك لتبدأ عملك الحر وتحصل علي الوظائف التي تناسب مهاراتك وتتمكن من الحصول على راتب يوفر لك استقرار المعيشة كما انك ستعمل وتكون رئيسا لنفسك وتحدد اوقات عملك كيفما تشاء وكذلك اوقات الراحه ...