#udemy free courses #Marketing #Social Media Marketing

The Ultimate LinkedIn Marketing Quiz (2022 Edition)

Nowadays, everyone is on the "LinkedIn social media network". For business communication, it remains to be the best platform - which means your target audience for B2B marketing is right there and ready to see what you are posting or offering. The benefits of LinkedIn are almost endless - for that matter. There are so many opportunities there. There is no downside we can think of. Recruiters and employers use LinkedIn to search for applicants, but the platform also reveals your credibility in your industry and highlights your accomplishments. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Social Media Marketing

The Ultimate Facebook Marketing Quiz (2022 Edition)

Facebook Marketing is booming, as of the present trending business market that has eventually picked up again amidst the pandemic. More than 2.5 billion people use the Facebook social network every single day. They simply login multiple times on numerous devices a day to check statuses of friends or colleagues, update a short story on their profile or strive to post incredible stuff in an attempt to go viral. It’s almost for sure that your potential clients are on Facebook and 95% of these clients are using the network activity to connect with their family, their friends, and their favourite brands, whatsoever. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Content Marketing

The Ultimate Content Marketing Quiz (2022 Edition)

Content is truly termed as "The King". 'Content marketers always say that with our clients we want to build close, trusting relationships'. But how many of our respected personal relationships are marked by a lack of feeling? The best way to create those genuinely meaningful relationships we all want to have with our clients is to concentrate on making stories more personally resonant, situationally important, and emotionally intelligent. Greater empathy is the real key to every goal - we have (as content marketers, and as people). ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Other Marketing

The Future of Social Networking - Startups Meet (2022)

Welcome to experience the course "The Future of Social Networking - Startups Meet (2022)". "We all know that Entrepreneurship is a steady race of life where you can experience the best and also the worst things together." Despite constant challenges creeping up, entrepreneurship will be the centre stone of development in this ever-growing fast-paced world. The goal of Entrepreneurship is to drive innovation, create jobs, and improve the lives of people with products. ...

#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Self Esteem & Confidence

The 6 steps to unlock your confidence

we will learn about importance of having goals in life and the extent of their impact on self confidence and moving with specific and steady steps towards goals and how to overcome challenges and obstacles and the importance of approaching the successful and imitating their steps and confidence in our capabilities and ideas and changing the negative ones to positive to reach the desired success. failure dose not reflect the person, his thoughts, or his feelings, but it is just an unsuccessful step and must be retried many times to reach the desired goal, And as we know that one of the most important causes of loss of self-confidence, which turns against progress and success, is the crippling beliefs that are not helpful to us, but also affect our feelings because they are a major reason for the existence of negative thoughts that we get used to with time and in most studies, the existence of these beliefs consists in childhood and because they remain with us It is not a small period in our life, it also takes a not small period to change it. ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing on Autopilot with Missinglettr (2022)

Did you know? The technique of automating social media activities in order to improve the results generated from social media channels is known as social media automation. It saves time and effort spent on administering social platforms, communicating with prospects, and increasing brand exposure for marketers. Let's now ask you a quick question. Have you ever dreamt of automating your social media campaigns with a magical platform that creates, schedules and provides reports of branded social media content while you're busy doing something else? ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Content Marketing

RoboAuthor: Content Writing Automation 2022 - Part 6

You must already have been wondering about the recent rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in content writing and development. True! The world of digital marketing is changing day by day. Artificial Intelligence (AI) already is playing a significant role in the field of content marketing nowadays and is helping us all to automate processes at a time of immense content overload. You’ve probably even read content written by an algorithm without noticing it - did you ever realize that? ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Other Marketing

RoboAuthor: Content Writing Automation 2022 - Part 12

So, want to proofread effectively, or start a proofreading business and sell a ton of editing or writing services, right away? Hop in. Editing is not just the icing on the cake; it is a highly important part of the writing process. Get ready. Take the guesswork out of great writing with this course. See what you can accomplish with the power of these proofreading tools at your fingertips. Easily improve any text. ...

#udemy free courses #Development #Software Testing

Real time Automation+Manual Interview Questions with Answers

How about Quickly Revising all the Important Software testing Concepts in just a few hours before an interview? This course focuses on revising most Real-time interview questions around Testing. An interview is all about expressing your answers in a precise and proper way. You can have tons of knowledge, you must have done tons of coding but cracking an interview is a different ball game. This course is a revision course where I have focused on what kind of questions are asked and how to answer them in an elaborate way. ...

#udemy free courses #Development #Data Science

Python-Introduction to Data Science and Machine learning A-Z

Learning how to program in Python is not always easy especially if you want to use it for Data science. Indeed, there are many of different tools that have to be learned to be able to properly use Python for Data science and machine learning and each of those tools is not always easy to learn. But, this course will give all the basics you need no matter for what objective you want to use it so if you : ...