#udemy free courses #Personal Development #Stress Management

Stop Panic Attacks Today with EFT

Panic attacks effect so many people today resulting in sickness and lost days at work and can effect people from all walks of life from business men who head up huge corporations to their workers both male and female housewives and children attending school. The good news is it is only a reaction to a past experience where your mind is continuously working looking out to protect you from what frightened you in the past. ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Communication

Speakers 3.0 | Aprendiendo hablar en público

Es muy probable que haya existido la oratoria, de una forma u otra, desde que hay personas. Pero la mayoría de los expertos en oratoria que se dedican a hablar en público en la comunicación empresarial, remontan los orígenes de la oratoria moderna a la antigua Grecia y Roma. Por supuesto, esas sociedades no tenían presentaciones de diapositivas, pero sí tenían la necesidad de hablar en público. Por ello, desarrollaron métodos para hacerlo que todavía se estudian hoy en día. ...

#udemy free courses #Design #3D & Animation

Sıfırdan V6 Otomobil Motoru Montajı & Uygulamalar | Catia-NX

Bu eğitimde Catia V5 programının montaj modülüne yani Assembly Design modülüne değiniyor olacağız. Ayrıca Catia V5 programı içerisinde bulunan, kinematik olarak simülasyonlar yapmamıza imkan tanıyan ve kinematik montaj olarak da bilinen DMU Kinematics modülüne de temel olarak değiniyor olacağız. Eğitim içerisinde montaj komutlarını ileri seviye örnekler üzerinden sizlere anlatmaya çalıştık. Eğitimin asıl konusunu V6 motor montajı kısmı oluşturmaktadır. Bir V6 otomobil motorunu hem Catia V5 programında hem de NX programında tüm montaj komutlarını görerek, öğrenerek ve anlayarak birlikte montajlıyacağız. ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #IT Certifications

Simulador Examen PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)

Este simulador NO OFICIAL lo ayudará a prepararse para el examen de PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® del PMI. Los términos PMI, PMP, PMI-ACP etc. representan la marca protegida de PMI .org. Este simulador NO OFICIAL, cuestionarios y exámenes de práctica no están respaldados ni afiliados a PMI .org. Las declaraciones hechas y las opiniones expresadas aquí pertenecen exclusivamente al creador de este curso NO OFICIAL y no son compartidas ni representan el punto de vista de PMI . ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Social Media Marketing

Referral Marketing Mastery 2022

If you’re looking to maximize exposure and profits while consistently working towards acquiring new customers, there is no better way than with referral marketing. Referral marketing is all about encouraging people in your niche to share your products and services. This can include customers, influencers and thought leaders in your market. Ultimately, there is no easier way to better position your brand and leverage your existing customer base than to design a referral system that actively encourages sharing. ...

#udemy free courses #IT & Software #IT Certifications

Python Certification Exam Microsoft MTA 98-381 - Preparation

Now is the time to get certified for Python! Microsoft MTA 98-381: Introduction to Programming Using Python Every question has an explanation and a Try-It-Yourself-Code which you can run to better understand the topic. You can download the Try-It-Yourself-Code for all questions. (The download link will be in your welcome message.) There are six Practice Tests with preparation questions from all knowledge areas. Exam Syllabus Perform Operations using Data Types and Operators ...

#udemy free courses #Development #Data Science

Python 3: Análisis y visualización de datos

Python es un lenguaje de programación de código abierto, orientado a objetos, muy simple y fácil de entender. Tiene una sintaxis sencilla que cuenta con una vasta biblioteca de herramientas, que hacen de Python un lenguaje de programación único. Saber programar en Python es una habilidad solicitada por las empresas de todo el mundo. Un programador Jr. en Python gana $77,000 USD al año en promedio. En el curso aprenderemos: ...

#udemy free courses #Business #Project Management

Practice Exam - PMI-SP® : PMI Scheduling Professional 2022

UPDATED to the new PMI-SP Exam version! Are you ready for this learning journey ? let's go !! Why taking this practice exams ? You can retake the exams as many times as you want This is a huge original question bank You get support from instructors if you have questions 30-days money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied What you will get? Fresh and updated material Questions and Answers in Practice Mode ...

#udemy free courses #Marketing #Digital Marketing

Online Traffic Mastery 2022

Whether you have a personal blog, business website, or are making money through online advertising, today's currency of success relies, almost exclusively, on the science of cultivating more significant traffic to your website. The traffic that you bring to your website is crucial because it helps you increase your rankings on the various search engines, which is how potential customers can find your company. Unfortunately bringing more traffic to your site these days can be a challenge. ...

#udemy free courses #Office Productivity #Microsoft

Microsoft Excel: Análisis de datos con tablas dinámicas

¡El curso de Microsoft Excel que te da más valor! ¿Quieres aprender una habilidad que te ayude a incrementar tus ingresos? Si es así, entonces ¡Este curso es para ti! Las tablas dinámicas son la herramienta mas poderosa de Excel. Con ellas podemos analizar y resumir una gran cantidad de información de una manera rápida y sencilla. Excel es utilizado por todas las empresas del mundo para procesar su información. Saber como sacar provecho de la información para hacer propuestas de valor con esta herramienta te pondrá un paso adelante de los demás. ...