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JAVA - Job Interview Preparation

Looking for an perfect job interview preparation? Searching in the web brings you only partial information? Congrats! You found what you are looking for!

Do you have a job interview related to JAVA? If you can answer this question with a yes, you are in the absolute perfect place.

This course provides you 2 different job interview preparation. As we have deep insides in different industries, we know exactly what matters contentwise.

We made some surveys to find out what fields are connected to each other and on top of that we found out which topics are important.

It is clear to everyone, that job interviews differ based on your experience. If you are a Senior Software Developer you know exactly what matters. The practice tests in this course brings you up to date in the different topics covered in this course. Our focus is on the knowledge. The tests inlcudes questions from beginner level up to advanced level. We do not cover behavioral or pychological topics, we boost your know-how, not your behaviour in this course, as every job interview will be helt in a different way. But the content will be almost the same per knowledge area.

There are 2 practice tests, structured in the following way:

  • JAVA

    • The first practice tests consists of 100 interview questions.

    • The second one  is a Multiple Choice test of 50 questions.

The amount of questions are the start of this course, we will continously improve and enhance the practice test.

After you finished this course and its practice tests, you will be sure in knowledge and this will give you a boost in confidence. The most important step to land a job is being prepared for your interviews. By doing some preparation you'll feel more in control, and will appear cool, calm and confident. You will be able to fully concentrate on your behaviour – be aware to talk slow and clear, keep an eye on your body language and your facial expressions. With our course as preparation – you can trust in you , as we trust in you of course!

The passing score for the pure job interview practice exams is set to 100%, as there are only correct answers given.

Let us walk you through an example. You will start a test and get asked questions which can occur during a job interview.

So read the question – think by yourself what you would answer and then read the given answer.

The passing score for pure the multiple choice practice exams is set to 75%.

We wish you a lot of gains in your knowledge and very much success in your next job interview!

Please be aware that we are working on this course on an ongoing basis. We always want to deliver highest quality to you and we try our best to do so. If you find any issue let us know and we will correct it immediatelly :)

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