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Consulting Offer Creation Masterclass

A good offer is at the heart of any business, and this is especially true for knowledge or service based businesses like coaching and consulting.

Having a good offer can be the difference between having a profitable business vs having a business that struggles to generate even a little amount of revenue, let alone profits.

Having a good offer can be the difference between having clients who come back for more vs clients who regret working with you.

And having a good offer can also be the difference between using what you know to make a difference vs having little to no positive impact whatsoever. 

It won't be an understatement to say that crafting a good offer can make or break your business, so it is extremely important that your business has a solid offer.

And that is where this training comes in.

Here's a sneak-peak at what's inside: 

  • Learn the most important thing you need to do before you create an offer

  • Discover what most consultants and coaches do wrong when creating an offer

  • Learn how to map out your ideal client

  • Learn how to map out your compelling offer

  • Discover how to plan your whole funnel (layers of offers)

  • A worksheet to help you craft your offer Bonus resource to help you learn about USP 

  • A fill-in-the-blank template to help you create your own USP

  • and much, much more

Our mission at TAAC, frankly, is to change lives and help talented and experienced people like you use what you know to create an incredible life that not only generates the income you need to have the lifestyle of your dreams, but one that also helps others and makes a positive impact. That can't happen, however, without you taking action. The best way to move forward - no matter what the situation or scenario - is to take action, even if it is a small action like creating your offer using this course.

So go get started, and create your amazing offer.

We'll see you on the other side :)

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Enrollments: 5943

Coupon Code: APR2022

Current Price: FREE

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